Agent Sudo - TryHackMe


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Task 1 : Author note

lets do it..

Task 2 : Enumerate

let us start with an nmap scan


How many open ports?


Now let us scan the http sever with gobuster

How you redirect yourself to a secret page?


lets open the http port on web browser


What is the agent name?

a user-agent is a string in your request that identifies your browser, example “chrome on android”. This is used by websites to serve webpages depending upon the browser and device.

The hint want us to use the user-agent C , so we will change the user-agent in the request using Burp Suite.

Once you reload the page making the request as C you get the following page, which tells the agent name


Task 3 : Hash cracking and brute-force

now comes the interesting part. We have got the username and we know that the password is weak. So we can bruteforce it.

FTP password

I’ll brute force ftp with hydra and we get a password


Zip file password

let us login into ftp


we can download these files on our system using get command


It looks like we have to find hidden password in the images.

steg password

after tinkering around a bit I found that cutie.png has hidden files in it. These can be extracted with binwalk


we have a zip and a text file which is empty


When we try to extract the zip, it demands a password. So we will find the password using zip2john and john the ripper which is indicated by the hint Mr.John


Now we can extract the zip using the password obtained, looks like it contained the same text file, but now it has some content


We have obtained a phrase but it looks encoded (not really tho, I tried it and it does not work so I thought it must be encoded). Since we can’t determine what encoding is it, let’s use magic recipie of cyberchef


Now this looks like an usable phrase.

Let us look at the other image. Using steghide to extract, it demands a passphrase and luckily we just obtained it.


so we obtained the full name and ssh password

Who is the other agent (in full name)?

obtained in the prev step

SSH password

obtained in the prev step

!!! THM will accept the password without ! but while logging in make sure to inlcude !

Task 4 : Capture the user flag

Now let us ssh using the pass obtained

What is the user flag?


What is the incident of the photo called?

roswell alien autopsy

you can copy the image on your system using scp


after a little googling and reverse image search, you can find the answer

Task 5 : Privilege escalation

lets check which binaries can be run as sudo.


we find that we can run /bin/bash as any user except root

Let us do a google search about it


we find there is related exploit and we can confirm version compatibility using sudo -V

CVE number for the escalation



What is the root flag?

So we find out from that we can gain access by running sudo -u#-1 /bin/bash

This version of sudo interprets this as sudo -u 0 /bin/bash indrectly ( 0 is the root user ) . Since we didn’t directly use 0 sudo runs it with the given user which effectively is root


(Bonus) Who is Agent R?
